Алматы облысының жаңалықтарыБасты ақпаратБес әлеуметтік бастамаҚазақстан жаңалықтары


«Human who remembers the words of wise,

himself becomes prudent.»


Abay Kunanbaev is a great poet and composer, thinker, enlightener and public figure. Streets, districts and even universities are named after him. His works have become classics of Kazakh and world literature.  Abay’s work was dedicated to the life of his native people. Abai Kunanbaev contributed to the spread of Russian and European culture among the Kazakhs. The poet and writer created about 170 poems and made 56 translations. Therefore, in 7th of February 2020 year, English teachers of «Secondary school № 34» the village of Zhetygen  held an event dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai. During the event, the famous songs of the great poet were performed, students read Abay’s poems in English language.During the event, the student of 10th «Ә» grade Ybyrai Aibi and student of  9th «А» Aitkali Aruzhan were leading in two languages, Kazakh and English. Students of 7th , 8th , 9th grades read poems about seasons and wise. Students of 4th grade sang choir  about mother.  For a person with talent and a love of work, there are no barriers, our teacher Esembayeva Saniya sang famous song «Көзімнің қарасы».

And also get to know more closely with the biography of Abay Kunanbaev, learn about his life, work and the difficult path that this great man has overcome in his eventful life.

With all our hearts we want to thank the head of our school Abdullaeva Balia Zhakenovna, the whole team, as well as our students.


 English teachers of «Secondary school №34»

Басқа жаңалықтар

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